The Duke

Docudrama | English | 96 minutes


Kempton Bunton, a grouchy unemployed taxi driver, is furious the British government requires the elderly to pay a TV tax. When he hears the British government paid a whopping 140,000 pounds to acquire Goya’s painting of the Duke of Wellington, he tells his exasperated wife, Dorothy, the money should have been used to help the poor.    Kempton then pulls off the miraculous: he steals Goya’s masterpiece from the National Gallery. He sends a ransom note to the government: he will return the painting if the government repeals the TV tax. When the painting is discovered hidden in Kempton’s apartment by his son’s girlfriend, Kempton willingly returns the painting to the National Gallery. His trial is the talk in all England as Kempton amuses and charms the judge and jury.  Kempton feels what he’s done will force the government to  repeal  the  TV tax that the poor can hardly afford.

Jim Broadbent (Kempton Bunton) | Helen Mirren (Dorothy Bunton)
Why Stream This Film?
Three cheers.  A wonderful and inspiring film how ordinary people can do extraordinary things.  And it’s absolutely true!
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score (Critics Consensus): 97%
  • Metacritic Score: 74
  • AARP Movie Awards: Nominated, Best Actor (Jim Broadbent); Best Actress (Helen Mirren)
  • Palié Film Festival: Nominated, Best Film
THE DUKE is a delightful movie with the wonderful British character actor Jim Broadbent as the funny, scheming miscreant who believes crime is justified if it serves a greater purpose.
Rex Reed

The Observer

Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren give two of the finest performances of their careers.
Robbie Collin

The Telegraph

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