The Codebreaker

Documentary | English | 53 minutes


The Codebreaker reveals the fascinating story of Elizebeth Smith Friedman, the legendary groundbreaking cryptanalyst. Her painstaking work to decode thousands of messages for the U.S.government  helped her  identify several Nazi spy rings in South America during World War II. By breaking the Nazi codes, Elizebeth and her crew were able to transmit the location of U-boats in the Atlantic.   Her remarkable contributions would be revealed decades after her death when secret government files were unsealed. Together with her husband, the equally legendary cryptologist William Friedman, Elizebeth helped develop   the powerful new science of cryptology and laid the foundation for modern codebreaking. After the war, Elizebeth cared for her husband  as he suffered bouts of depression that required hospitalizations.

 Major Participants:
Kate Burton (Narrator) / Rose Mary Sheldon / David Hatch / Barbara Osteika / Amy Butler Greenfield
Why Stream This Documentary? 
If you should mention the name of Elizebeth Smith Friedman, very few people would know who she is. However, if you ever worked at the CIA or NSA, you would revere her. Elizebeth’s  codebreaking achievements,  now recognized by military historians,  were vitally important in winning the war.  
THE CODEBREAKER delivers an irresistible picture of  Elizebeth Smith Friedman’s life and career in all its complexity–a suburban wife, mother, and a skilled cryptanalyst.
Dorothy Rabinowitz

The Wall Street Journal

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